Today, I found an old hiding spot. On accident. Long days, testing days, trying days, striving days, prayerful days, "Why in the world did I get out of bed?" days, "Increased risk of assault" days, quiet days...whatever kind of day you may have had or are having, please understand, I understand! You can plan to have a positive and productive day, and it can be the COMPLETE opposite (if you allow it and sometimes even if you don't). When that yoga isn't cutting it, that snack, candy, beverage, workout, or meal isn't compensating for the tests of your day, you SCREAM! And I mean, shout so loud. Shout outside, in your room, into your pillow, in the break-room, or at inanimate objects (one of my favs.). And if you cannot shout, take a break, or fight through the rest of the day, and go to your favorite hideout after. Your hideout can (ALMOST) be anywhere! Underneath your work desk, in the trash barrel, in the closet, in a box, under the bed, in someone's arms, in the bathtub, in your favorite store where you can "cool off" with some shopping (because you KNOW you're leaving with bags in hand)! The places are endless! I don't recommend somewhere where punishment or a fine is the repercussion. Been there, done that. Lol.
Of all of those suggestions, I'm a fan...of all of them (with the exception of hiding under the bed and under the work desk...because I'm a semi-giant). Today, my hiding spot was under my Spider-Man blanket, and Peter Parker has never been more amazing! I hid under there for around 45 minutes and cooled off until the belly started rumbling for food. Had a mini conversation with myself, quick prayer, and...I back-handed my pillow with no remorse! I'm blogging to share that we all have rough days. Now how long you let your days affect you is on you, but there are ways to deal with and approach your days-whether you can handle what goes on immediately or not. Also, some things are totally not in our control. Things get bumpy, but things also go smoothly. May not be when we want them to, but it will. I believe how we respond to things in our day contributes to character and I'm certain we all have our own little techniques, BUT, if you're ever willing (or eager) to test out a hiding place, all of us hiders welcome you with open arms. :)
Mmmmhm, honey.
With Realness,
Bee Elae